Attackers generate massive volumes of high-quality malware these days. They also compromise assets by moving laterally between them using credentials stolen by traffic manipulation, social engineering, hash extraction, and other stealthy techniques. Specific behaviors foreshadow every breach — and we know them, reliably. InsightIDR continuously baselines normal user activity (beyond defined indicators of compromise). Attackers may be masked as company employees, but it’s no match for UEBA. Correlated user data also offers up rich context for other attacker alerts to help speed your investigations and response.
Today, it’s easier than ever to infiltrate a network masquerading as an employee, typically through stolen credentials. User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) connects activity across the network to specific users. If a user behaves in a way that’s unusual, you can see it fast and investigate. It may be an attack. It may be a real employee who presents some kind of risk. InsightIDR continuously baselines healthy user activity in your organization, so you spot anomalies fast.
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